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Buah Tarap: A chance encounter

You learn something new everyday. My friend Alina is very fond of repeating this. And I agree with her.

Today I tasted the Buah Tarap (Tarap Fruit) which is said to be unique to Sabah/Borneo.

My colleagues and I arrived in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah this afternoon; we are here for the RHB New Straits Times Spell-It-Right Challenge which will take place at the Suria Mall over the weekend.

After checking into the Beverly Hotel we walked to a nearby eatery for a spot of tea. It was then that I chanced upon the Buah Tarap and began snapping away.

My colleague, who had eaten the fruit in Bandung, Indonesia, was excited to see it. He bought one for us to try.

The stall vendor split the fruit into two and we bit into its flesh. Everyone liked it but describing its flavour remains a challenge.

The fruit, which looks like nangka (jackfruit) or chempedak,  has an unusual combination of tastes: it is sweet but not as sweet as the jackfruit nor as chunky. Words fail me.

It feels so light that you want to have more of it.

This is how the exterior of the Buah Tarap looks like.

Close up of the fruit's skin.

Notice the fruit's striking similarity to the jackfruit.

This fruit should be on everyone's 'must try' list.


Pamela Yeoh said…
a delighting fruit.
yes, it is ... wish i could find it in the peninsula ...
Anonymous said…
bungkus two bound for KL:}
warisan etnobotani said…
Buah Tarap.....Buah Terap Kelantan said...
Sofia L said…
Nice blog thaanks for posting

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